Easiest Pool Sanitizing System up to 40,000 Gallons
XL means Cleaner, Clearer, Softer® water that’s easy to take care of for an extra-long time! Pool FROG XL PRO® delivers what no one else can – Fresh Mineral Water®∞ in your pool. It kills bacteria 2 ways, with a small amount of chlorine and FROG’s Fresh Minerals. A 6-pound Chlorine Pac keeps pools up to 40,000 gallons clean and clear for weeks and weeks. You use less chlorine, spend less time and effort to maintain the water and have more time to enjoy your pool.
- Kills bacteria 2 ways
- Reduces chlorine use up to 50%*
- Precision performance – set it and forget it

A fresh approach to clean, clear water
using mineral technology.
Create Fresh Mineral Water®∞ in your pool with Pool FROG XL Pro.
All-in-one sanitizing system.
Pool FROG XL Pro’s unique delivery system makes water care easy
Mineral Reservoir
Fresh sanitizing minerals make chlorine last 2X longer

90-day algae protection guarantee

Prefilled for no mess, no guess and no stress

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The Reviews Are In
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Monique - December 29, 2014
Our knowledgeable pool guy recommended the Frog system for us and we have had two fantastic summers so far. It is easy to use, helps lower the chlorine needed and keeps our pool a beautiful blue all summer long. We will never use anything else.
Mitch J - May 28, 2024
I've had my pool for 11 years now and the pool had the XL Pro installed along with an ozone generator. The ozone generator burned out in a few years and I did not replace the component. This is my second XL Pro unit on the pool. Since I live in the desert southwest the pool is never out of service which means my XL Pro never gets a day off. What I like is once you get it dialed in you're golden. This is hard to achieve when your nights don't drop below 100°F at night. I can leave for a week and still come home to a nice tepid pool during the summer which is always nice. What I don't like is how hard it is to remove the caps for both the chlorine and mineral pac housings. Chlorine is a bit easier than the mineral pac since you are refilling the cartridge housing at least monthly in the summer. Bottom line is I think the Frog XL Pro is a good investment just for peace of mind. I think it would be a great idea if the engineers who designed the XL Pro took the entire housing and components and reworked the outer design to make it more user friendly. In all fairness to King Technologies my unit is fully exposed to the environment. No shade, no housing not even a wall.
John - April 8, 2022
We had our pool installed last summer and had constant issues keeping the chlorine levels correct. It is impossible to maintain chlorine levels with this system. With the dial set to "1" the chlorine was 20 ppm +. Then turning it down to just off of "0" and there is no chlorine present in the pool. Not sure what the issue is. Good concept but doesn't seem to work properly. Getting ready to open my pool for the season in the next couple of weeks, and am apprehensive to even use this system...may just switch to tablets in the skimmer basket.
Tim Tieken - September 2, 2021
I used the algaecide that was supposed to prevent algae for 90 days guaranteed. The algae was back in 30 days. All of my chemical levels were correct and the filters were clean. The chlorine usage is very high. I have a new mineral cartridge installed and I have to put a new canister in every week with it set at 10 to keep the chlorine level idea. It used to be a good system until this year.
Ed Orkwis - September 1, 2021
Pool Frogg takes the hassle out of putting chemicals in your pool.A bit expensive but worth it.
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Test Strips
With FROG, you use lower levels of chlorine. Other test strips may indicate chlorine levels are too low, which can cause you to over-chlorinate and waste chlorine. Only FROG test strips help maintain Fresh Mineral Water®∞ in your pool.

The POOL FROG XL PRO features two Cyclers in one installation. One Cycler holds the Mineral Reservoir that destroys bacteria all summer long and the other holds a 6 lb. Pac that precisely dispenses the small amount of chlorine needed for each pool. This complete system of minerals and a LOW level of chlorine creates Fresh Mineral Water®∞ for pools up to 40,000 gallons. POOL FROG XL PRO does the work automatically so you can relax. Simply replace the Mineral Reservoir every 6 months and the FROG Pac every 3-4 weeks when empty.
If your pool is at the high end of the gallon range for the Model 5400 (30,000 to 40,000 gallons), XL PRO offers a larger chlorine gas tank; so to speak. That means you won’t have to replace it as often which saves you time.
Your dealer would help you install a POOL FROG Cycler on your pool and supply you with the FROG pacs that go inside. After that, it’s easy! Simply replace the pacs when needed.
Mineral: POOL FROG Mineral Reservoir
Chlorine: POOL FROG 6lb Chlorine Pac
The Mineral Reservoir lasts 6 months or one pool season whichever is shorter. The FROG Pac will last 3-4 weeks; depending on the size of the pool and how often the pool is used.
If you struggle with the mess of algae every summer, FROG BAM is the answer. FROG Bam is pre-filled and pre-measured to treat up to 15,000 gallons each; use multiple bottles to treat bigger pools. No algae for 90 days — guaranteed!
POOL FROG has been sanitizing pools since 1997 and has hundreds of thousands of happy customers. It is very effective, easy to use with pre-filled replacements, helps maintain the water with far less work and is reasonably priced.
For above-ground or in-ground, Pool FROG 6100 is just the right size.

*Compared to the minimum EPA recommended chlorine level of 1.0 ppm for a stabilized swimming pool. ∞For pools and hot tubs.