We’re 99.99% sure you’ll find your ideal hot tub temperature between 98.6°F and the maximum safe temperature, 104°F.
While that’s only 5.4 degrees, those few degrees make a significant difference.
For most people, the ideal temperature range is from 100-102°F – that’s warm and relaxing but won’t overheat your body.
At or over 104°F and you’ll overheat quickly – numerous health risks are associated with overheating your body.
How to Find Your Perfect Temperature
Start low, at 99°F – just above the average 98.6°F body temperature – and slowly raise the temperature until you find the temperature that’s ideal for you.
What’s that? You’re not the only person using the hot tub? Those others may like the water cooler or hotter than you do. Here’s a few tips:
- Get all those people to join you while you find the ideal temperature.
- Use a timer: most hot tub sessions should be limited to 15-30-minute intervals. Set the timer so it’s the “bad cop,” not you.
- Use an additional thermometer. It’s a good way to double check temperatures, and perhaps, settle disagreements. Have a guessing game – ask others what they think the temperature is, write it down and evaluate.
- Note that body temperatures differ slightly each day, and therefore, you may feel the water is hotter or cooler.
- Weather changes can make the hot tub water seem hotter or cooler.
- Compromise: Consider who uses the hot tub, when, and how often. It’s fairly easy to set the temperature up or down 1°F, although that takes some time and asks a bit more of your hot tub.
- Settle on a “happy temperature” for all, it’s part of being a family.
As we head into summer, some people like to use their hot tub as a small pool and bring the temp down to 80-85°F. When it’s a scorcher outside, that might be just right!